Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Widraw pertama dari investasi penetasan itik

Setelah menunggu 1 minggu investasi, akhirnya widraw pertama dari penetasan itik bisa didapat. Jam 7 pagi permintaan widraw, jan 4 sore langsung tranfer ke rekeningku. Lumayan....
Silahkan jika teman2 ingin gabung, klik aja Global permata

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

Cara Mendapat Banyak Backlink

TIPS mendapatkan backlink banyak

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Apa kabar kawan LONG TIME NO SEE ..?'
Kali ini ane bagiin Cara Cepat Mendapatkan Ribuan Backlink | Menaikkan PageRank | Meningkatkan Trafik Terbukti
Backlink yang banyak dan peringkat pagerank yang tinggi merupakan Impian seorang blogger, Dengan Backlink dan pagerank yang tinggi menunjukkan akan kesuksesan seorang blogger dan blognya tersebut dan Untuk mendapatkan backlink yang banyak dan PageRank yang besar merupakan pekerjaan yang kadang mudah dan susah untuk di lakukan. Kita mesti menerapkan teknik SEO dalam melakukan hal tersebut.

Dan tidak seorang blogger pun yang tidak ingin akan Prestasi pagerank yang tinggi dan backlink yang banyak, Kita seorang blogger berbondong-bondong untuk mencari dan mendapatkan Backlink yang berkualitas dengan cara yang mudah dan cepat.

Pengalaman Sahabat suzi Ketika Ane melakukan Blogwalking di beberapa blog Besar dan berpagerank Tinggi, Bradda kemudian melihat Widget Alexa Rank yang terpampang di sidebar blognya. Dan Bradda perhatikan ternyata Site Link In nya banyak sekali, jumlahnya hingga Puluhan Ribu, ane tercengang beberapa saat dan terus melihat page view Widget Alexanya yang memukau.


Trik ini sudah tersebar dengan luas di kalangan blogger hingga master blogger pun menerapkan trik ini, namun dulu ane agak ragu akan cara ini apakah benar cara ini bisa berhasil menaikkan PageRank dan backlink.? Setelah Ane membacanya kembali dan masih kurang yakin atas Site Link In Alexa Rank yang saya lihat di Alexa-nya, ane pun kembali lagi mengunjungi blog-blog yang menerapkan cara ini Dan ternyata benar, blog-blog yang menerapkan cara ini Page Ranknya Juga Ikut meningkat namun yang paling menonjol adalah Site Linking yang dimiliki blog-blog tersebut sungguh banyak sekali. Oleh karena itu Saya juga ingin menshare dan berbagi bagaimana cara mendapatkan backlink dengan cepat sehingga pagerank blog kita akan cepat naik.


Caranya sangatlah mudah, Sobat hanya tinggal copy link yang berada di bawah ini dengan syarat agan harus menghapus link pada peringkat 1 dari daftar, lalu pindahkan yang tadinya nomor 2 menjadi nomor 1, nomor 3 menjadi nomor 2, nomor 4 menjadi nomor 3, dst. Kemudian masukan link blog anda sendiri pada urutan paling bawah (nomor 10),Seperti berikut :

5.Hacked Trik Gratisan
6.)>>Rastaman Teknologi<<(

8. Ibah bisnis online sukses
9. Bisnis Online Gratis
10. Bisnis Aman Profit
Untuk cara kerja nya, Sebelum agan meletakkan link- link diatas, agan hapus terlebih dahulu peserta nomor 1 sehingga setiap peserta naik satu level. Kemudian tambahkan Link blog anda di bagian paling bawah Dan Jika Sobat mampu mengajak lima orang saja untuk mengcopy Artikel di posting blog Sahaat maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Posisi 10, jumlah backlink = 1
  • Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
  • Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
  • Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
  • Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
  • Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
  • Posisi 4, jumlah backlink =15,625
  • Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
  • Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
  • Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125


Dari sisi SEO teman-teman sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink gratis dan efek sampingnya adalah meningkatnya Trafik blog kita serta Meningkatnya Pagerank Blog kita! Dan jika pengunjung downline mengklik link Sobat maka Sobat juga mendapat traffik tambahan.

Waoow.. Tunggu apa lagi cara ini memang specktakuler , selain dengan Blogwalking dan menempel blog Sahabat di blog dofollow maka dengan cara ini anda juga dapat ribuat backlink yang permanen asal dengan mengcopy seluruh teks ini.

Udah banyak para master telah membuktikannya sobh .. Kini saatnya kita untuk membuktikannya..
Mari Raih Backlink sebanyak-banyaknya Dan PageRank yang tinggi Sebagai Prestasi yang terbaik anda dalam dunia Blogging Dengan Cara ini.


TAGS:cara cepat mendapatkan backlink gratis, cara memperbanyak traffik global rank alexa,cara memperbanya backlink,cara mendapatkan backlink,cara cepat dapatkan pagerank yang besar,cara agar blog sukses

Nb : sebenarnya dianjurkan COPAS artikel ini agar mendapatkan backlink banyak dan meningkatkan trafik blog

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Kabar terbaru dari AdclickExpress

Kabar terbaru dari ACX, baru dapat email dari ACX yang isinya antara lain :

Tentang ACX yang mengambil alih Click Paid sehingga member ACX bergabung dengan member Profitclicking akan membuat ACX semakin besar.

ACX juga bekerjasama dengan Payza sebagai prosesor pembayaran.

Withdrawals katanya sudah berfungsi baik dengan minimal penarikan $10, dan maksimum penarikan akan meningkat nantinya. Tapi saya masih belum percaya karena uang saya masih nyantol dan tidak bisa dibelikan paket iklan, apalagi ditarik.

Program Panel
Dalam beberapa hari ke depan, mereka akan membuka program panel iklan.

Gift card juga sudah tersedia.

Bahan-bahan untuk marketing mudah digunakan.

Tambahkan uang agar anda bisa memakai 20% - 30% dari saldo anda di ACX.

Sampai saat ini saldo kita di ACX masih belum bisa digunakan, bahkan ditarik. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan anda simak berita mereka dalam bahasa inggris :

A warm welcome to all new members!

Heraclitus is credited for saying,

"The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change!"

Fortunately for members of Ad Click Xpress,
the changes that are coming your way are ALL
good! In fact they are fantastic! The
executive team at ACX is very excited and
proud to announce a new acquisition that is
going to bolster our Ad Pack and Ad Panel
programs, pushing us to the very top of the
online advertising industry.

After several meetings with the ownership at
the recently launched Click Paid online
advertising company, ACX owners agreed to
purchase Click Paid, including all assets
and liabilities, the computer source codes,
the "bidding for advertising program", with
its powerful compliance features, and the
entire membership, with all downline
organizations intact. Members of Click Paid
will see all the money they have earned
transferred to ACX as well, probably much
the same way Profit Clicking was successfully
integrated into Ad Click Xpress, weeks ago.

After taking over control of Profit Clicking
earlier this year, along with this purchase
of Click Paid, members of ACX are now in a
prime position to launch into what is expected
to be one of the most robust online
money-making opportunities in the history of
the internet! As Click Paid members migrate
seamlessly into ACX, more money will be infused
into the ACX system, making it an even stronger
and more established company, with less frequent
XpressShifts being required, and more expiring
Ad Packs to help cycle Ad Panels, which can only
mean one thing: More Opportunities to Make Money
for YOU!

This one change alone should excite even the most
cynical among us, but we are not finished. There
are many more changes that are going to rock your

Fresh Communications:

Going forward, ACX is going sound and feel better.
As an independent business owner (IBO) you will be
treated with respect and gratitude. The executive
team and owners understand that without you, we
cannot have a successful business. We need you and
are grateful to have the opportunity to work with
and for you. All communications and upgrades to our
website will be done with you in mind; our main focus
is always How Can We Help You Make More Money!


They are working! In fact, the reports we are receiving
are that the withdrawal system is working exactly as
they should. With the lowered minimum withdrawal
amount of $10, many members are starting to get
back some of their hard-earned money they were never
able to get from the previous companies. As ACX grows,
the maximum withdrawal amounts will also be raised.
The future is very bright for getting your money out and
into your hands.

Pay Processors:

There is a very positive change happening in regards to
pay processors. One of ACX members' most trusted and
liked pay processors has agreed to start working with
ACX and start handling payments and withdrawals for
ACX members. If you have a balance in your Payza
account, now is a perfect time to fund your ACX wallet.

Ad Panels:

Because the first Ad Packs purchased in the ACX system
are nearing their expiration date in a few weeks, plans
are nearly completed that will allow us to launch the
powerful Ad Panels program. This is an exceptionally
potent program designed to make a lot more money
for ACX members. As we get closer to launching, watch
for updates and training opportunities that will teach
you how to take full advantage of this indefinitely
sustainable money-making program.

Gift Cards:

One of the most effective things about the Profit
Clicking program was the ability to help referrals
jump start their earnings by offering Gift Cards.
Now you will be able to assist your referrals, friends
and family to re-engage by sending them a gift of
money in their ACX wallet. If you haven't already
noticed, check your dashboard to see that Gift Cards
are now available.

More User-friendly Marketing Tools:

In our on-going efforts to provide you with tools to

help you expand your online business, watch for
upgrades to the ACX website, as well as some new,
user-friendly marketing tools to help your contacts
understand the ACX system. We are very excited
by the things we are developing.

Migrating from PC:

Please talk to anyone in your down line that has
lost interest or confidence in PC and help them
migrate into ACX. There is a How To Spend Money
From Profit Clicking Balances Migration video on
the Profit Clicking website that can help them if
they don't know how. With all the positive changes
going on, and the powerful system created by
Frederick Mann being operated the proper way
once again, ACX will surely become the Rolls Royce
of online money-making programs. Don't let
anyone talk you out of participating! This is the
perfect time for members in your down line to
re-engage, but they must first migrate to Ad Click
Xpress to access their PC funds.

Fund Your Account:

To take full advantage of the PC and PC Premium
money in your wallets, you will need to fund your
ACX account with NEW money. By doing so, you
will expedite your financial growth dramatically.
Since all money earned in PC and CP will be
available for use in ACX, by adding new money
through the pay processors, you are able to
include 20% to 30% MORE from your PC wallets.
This means you will actually be earning more
than 2% each day for all the advertising you buy.
As you take your daily earning and buy more Ad
Packs each day, you will now be able to buy 20%
to 30% MORE each time. This extra growth is
going to pay off in a huge way in the long term.
Now, if you don't have a lot to spend at this time,
that's OK. Just start with what you can, and then
add to it whenever possible. Months from now
you are going to be amazed at the speed your
money has grown with ACX.

Different Management Style:

Lastly, we are thrilled to tell you that the Ad Click
Xpress owners and executive team are committed
to making this the greatest online money-making
opportunity in history. We are highly experienced
in this industry, and we know how to avoid the
mistakes that were made in prior companies. Only
the good things learned by studying the challenges
Profit Clicking and Click Paid experienced will be
implemented. There will be no more bad decisions
that put you, our life blood, in perilous positions.
We are, and will be, the company you need us to be.
With the new branding of Ad Click Xpress, there is
no baggage from previous programs to worry about.
No negative comments are being made online. You
can take pride in knowing you are participating in
history being made, and the results of all our efforts
is going to be a very, very happy ending for you.

If you have problems or concerns that our Support
Staff can assist you with, please don't hesitate to
contact our online operators or submit a Support
Ticket. Our goal is to give you the help you need as
soon as possible. We want everyone to succeed.

Thanks again for being part of this amazing
movement. We all share a common goal of wanting
to better our personal lives, and we can do that best
by sharing this great opportunity with others.

Best regards,

ACX Executive Team

Senin, 01 Juli 2013

Alasan runtuhnya Profitclicking dan migrasi ke ACX

Kemarin, saya mendapat email tentang berita terbaru dari profitclicking dan cerita dibalik keruntuhan profitclicking serta alasan migrasi ke ACX, berikut cerita singkatnya:

Perubahan dari JustbeenPaid menjadi Profitclicking.
Seperti diketahui, Justbeenpaid mulai mearik massa pada Oktober 2010 dan puncaknya sekitar Agustus 2012. Saat itu Frederick Mann berniat melakukan perubahan menjadi Profitclicking.Rencana ini sebenarnya bisa berjalan sukses jika tidak ada kendala yang tak terduga, antara lain:

Migrasi dari JBP ke PC ketida website belum siap
Migrasi terjadi bulan Juli 2012, lebih awal dari yang dijadwalkan sehingga website belum siap, padahal harus melayani jutaan member dari JBP.

Manajemen PC tidak berpengalaman dengan sistem dari JBP yang sustaineble
Manajemen PC tidak terlalu mennguasai sistem dari Frederick Mann, sehingga beberapa kesalahan terjadi berbulan-bulan tanpa disadari.

Profitshift tidak dilakukan pada waktu yang tepat.
Terjadinya profitshift merupakan kunci sukses dari sistem dari Frederick Mann ini, tapi manajemen PC terlalu terpaku pada sistem pembeyaran dari anggota dan tidak menyadari pentingnya waktu yang tepat untuk profitshift. Profitshift yang seharusnya terjadi 3 minggu, terlambat dilakukan sehingga hal ini menyebabkan sistem tidak berjalan dengan semestinya. Terlalu awal atau terlalu lambat melakukan profitshift menyebabkan sistem tidak berkelanjutan seperti yang diharapkan.

Pemberitaan negatif dan penurunan penjualan
Pemberitaan yang negatif terjadi karena adanya keterlambatan pembayaran keuntungan anggota dan penjualan yang semakin menurun drastis memperburuk keadaan.

Masalah prosesor pembayaran
Sebelum Liberty Reserve ditutup, beberapa rekening dari PC telah diblokir secara sepihak oleh LR sehingga hal ini menyebabkan pembayaran kepada anggota menjadi tersendat dan kepercayaan dari anggota menurun drastis. Ditambah lagi setelah LR ditutup pada Mei 2013, PC menderita kerugian sebesar 10 juta dollar.

Kegagalan Paket Premium karena menunda Profitshift
PC berharap dengan mengadakan paket premium bisa menyelamatkan paket basic. Tapi hal yang sama terulang kembali. Manajemen PC tidak dapat membaca variabel-variabel yang menentukan harus dilakukannya profitshift pada waktu yang tepat. Profitshift yang seharusnya terjadi 3 minggu lebih awal, tidak dilakukan, hal ini terjadi karena mereka lebih terpaku pada fitur aliran pendanaan untuk pembayaran anggota dan tidak memperhatikan terjadinya profitshift yang harus dilakukan agar sitem dapat berkelanjutan yang merupakan hal yang sangat membedakan PC dari program HYIP.

Bagaimana sekarang?
Hasil akhir dari semua masalah yang terjadi menyebabkan PC harus segera berakhir, tapi bagaimana caranya agar tidak merugikan bagi anggota? Sebuah perusahaan iklan Ad Click Xpress bersedia mengambil alih dan bersedia memperbaiki sistem di PC dan mengangkat kembali Frederick Mann menjadi konsultan agar sistem dapat berjalan seperti yang diharapkan dan berkelanjutan seperti sediakala.

Segera bergabung dengan AdClickXpress!!!

Apabila teman-teman ingin membaca berita dalam bahasa aslinya, silahkan simak cerita di bawah ini :
The Story of Profit Clicking - a MUST-READ for ALL Profit Clicking Members

First of all, you do NOT need to read or understand this document - you simply need to take advantage of your current situation and participate in Ad Click Xpress and use any funds from Profit Clicking provided to you over the next few weeks to strengthen your advertising success and commission earnings in Ad Click Xpress - the sky is the limit in Ad Click Xpress.

In any case, the following should outline in sufficient detail for most members what happened to Profit Clicking (PC) and why Ad Click Xpress (ACX) Owners decided to purchase it.

Here's the Story
The original, extremely successful and popular advertising and business opportunity called JustBeenPaid (JBP) started appealing to the masses in January 2010 and reached its peak in about August 2012. About this time, Frederick Mann decided to implement a much needed renovation - JustBeenPaid was to become the new Profit Clicking, with multiple income streams and more opportunities for everyone.
This plan could have worked magnificently, if not for some major factors that were beyond the control of the company, plus some major blunders that were admittedly, but unintentionally induced by the management of the company - and some of them are outlined below.

The Migration from JBP to PC when the site was not ready
JustBeenPaid analyzed its current situation and decided that out of an abundance of caution, it would be better to operate under Profit Clicking's business model; however, this huge task was to be completed much earlier than was originally expected.
The unexpected early migration began in July of 2012 into the new site, Profit Clicking. The site template was far from ready, as all programming needed to be put in place, which was not an easy task for a website with millions of members and millions of lines of code to rewrite, all while the program was still in full operation. The anticipated completion of becoming fully functional was projected to be only one to two months. When such a huge change in a business occurs, it is common procedure for larger businesses (like Profit Clicking) to examine and pass over numerous documents and legalities. Unfortunately, the time involved will always be multiplied when there are technical changes and improvements needed. In any case, the prediction of being back to 100% operation in a couple of months proved to be a huge understatement.

Management was not experienced with the indefinitely sustainable system
Part of this plan included new management, who were to bring about all the changes needed for this complete overhaul and coordinate all aspects of the Profit Clicking system.
As most people probably do not realize, the JustBeenPaid program had an extremely complex formula that made it so successful - only Frederick and a few people on the planet know what this mathematical configuration is and how it works.
The Profit Clicking management, while always having the best intentions, sincerely believed that they understood how to make the gears mesh as they should. Understanding the system would have fulfilled the plan to transform the JustBeenPaid's well-oiled machine into Profit Clicking. Unfortunately, the inexperienced management did not fully comprehend the system and some significant mistakes were made; in fact, some mistakes were overlooked for weeks or even months before they were realized.

The ProfitShift was not performed in a timely manner
The very most important component of the JustBeenPaid program was the Restart Feature, called the ProfitShift in Profit Clicking. This mechanism was put into place by Frederick Mann to make its aggressive compensation plan "indefinitely sustainable". This Restart Feature was proven to be extremely powerful and separated JustBeenPaid from all high yield business opportunities - they basically always failed after a few months, their members losing any compensation they were expecting to collect.
However, timing is extremely critical when initiating a Restart - triggering it too soon or too late could lead to devastating financial consequences. Frederick Mann knew how to use the restart in the most effective manner; however, PC Managers could not effectively manage these variables, which ultimately caused the system to become out of balance and no longer viable.

Negative press and the steady decline in sales
The migration of JustBeenPaid to Profit Clicking in September 2012 made members doubtful. Also Zeek Rewards was closed by U.S. Authorities, causing members to panic around the world. The ProfitShift of PC in November 2012, although necessary, caused even more adverse publicity. Sales of advertising and promotion of the business opportunity decreased dramatically. This resulted in members not being able to withdraw their commissions consistently, ultimately causing a downhill spiral.

Payment processor troubles
Even before the closing of Liberty Reserve in May 2013, ProfitClicking experienced major theft from some individuals associated within this payment processor. In addition, accounts of JustBeenPaid and PC were simply blocked without apparent reason. Alone this one payment processor, Liberty Reserve caused significant hardship and significantly decreased the ability of Profit Clicking to pay member commissions, to the tune of about ten million dollars.

Failed Premium System Due to Delayed Scheduling of ProfitShift
The second system in Profit Clicking, called the "Premium Ad Package System" was introduced and predicted to assist in paying the large commission backlog of the other, still operational "Basic Ad Package System". Although initially not accepted, the Premium Ad Packages became a huge hit and did the job to begin to rescue the Basic System, and revenues were then available to pay the members
However, the timing of when and how to perform a ProfitShift was again greatly miscalculated by management - there should have been a ProfitShift for the Premium System about three weeks earlier than when it indeed occurred. The inexperienced management was focusing on new features and income streams for the membership when they should have been paying attention to this most critical part of the system.

What now?
The ultimate result of the misfortunes mentioned above was for Profit Clicking to come to an end - but how to do this without causing suffering and hardship on the membership? Many members were expecting significant rebates and commissions from the system's compensation plan, but they simply never happened.
The new owners of the company, Ad Click Xpress have graciously agreed to honor those who still consider themselves to be "out of pocket" and treat the membership with the respect due to them, but in exchange for the entire Profit Clicking system - the member database, servers, the indefinitely sustainable software of Frederick Mann, and all key staff needed to run the operation.
Now, to ensure that mistakes of this magnitude are avoided in the future, Ad Click Xpress has agreed to retain Frederick Mann as their Senior Consultant for strategizing the success of the members and the company - millions will be able to survive and thrive in the new world, as a result of following Frederick's simple-to-work programs.

Let's Go!
We are grateful that so many of our members have been willing to follow Frederick's example, and not give up on dreams that are ultimately possible. Many companies have required restructuring in the last few years and are now some of the most successful companies in the world - General Motors is probably the one most are familiar with. The point is, don't be afraid to help ACX with your new advertising purchases - you are also helping the company on the way to the future and more importantly, you are building your own future.
Building wealth and happiness,

Your ACX Leadership Team

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Akuisisi Profit Clicking benar-benar terjadi

Ini kabar terbaru dari Profitclicking

Daily Update For Jun 18th, 2013

Member Update

Welcome to all our new members!

There's a lot in this update, so feel free
to read it more than once...

Ad Click Xpress

Here's the new name for the most successful
business opportunity and advertising site
the Internet is likely to ever see!

And we have a lot of history to prove it!

Get ready for the great experience!

Yes, here's what Frederick Mann has
provided for us - a great solution for
everyone who was in Profit Clicking!


Ad Click Xpress (ACX)

is now one of the most viewed sites on the web!

A few weeks ago Frederick Mann contacted the
owners of ACX and offered their company an
incredible opportunity to absorb the business
of a number one company and make it better.

Many in the business world already regard
Frederick as an ICON in the Traffic Exchange
world, being held in high esteem for making
himself, and helping many others to become
"Internet Millionaires", many of them
starting with very limited financial
abilities. Frederick's stated goal has
always been to help the people who couldn't
be successful in Internet-based business
without a clear, easy-to-follow system.

Frederick made an astounding arrangement
for the owners of ACX to take over Profit
Clicking, which eventually led to this
exciting announcement.

Profit Clicking had experienced such rapid
growth that management had not been able
to build the corporate infrastructure
quickly or solidly enough to make the PC
program viable. Since PC's mechanism was
originally based on an "Indefinitely
Sustainable", patented system, they went
to the creator for guidance. Frederick
took time to evaluate the company and
ultimately advised Profit Clicking that
its members would be best served by being
acquired by ACX. The PC owners agreed with
the concept; with the understanding that
ACX as the new owner would honor PC's
obligations to members.

ACX is the organization that will take on
this huge. The ACX group is financially
stable, and the management team is very
experienced, and is operating ACX using
the "Indefinitely Sustainable" model!
ACX agreed to the proposal from PC,
insisting that Frederick stay on as a
consultant throughout the transition
and the restructuring of some of the
obligations of PC to the members.

ACX would like to officially give a great
big "WELCOME" to all PC members. Welcome
aboard! We are excited to have you on
board AD CLICK XPRESS and await your
participation and new ideas. Management
has created an array of new programs to
explore and familiarize you with the
new surroundings. We want you to feel
at home right away.

Here are more details:

For the future, Profit Clicking will
only be used as a reference web site;
for example, it will no longer accept
funding payments for its advertising
system, pay daily sales commissions,
or allow ad packages or gift cards to
be purchased - Profit Clicking will
eventually be discontinued completely.

All advertising you are doing for Profit
Clicking will be automatically redirected
to your new ACX Affiliate Web Site, located
in your new member area under "Make Money

When you log into Profit Clicking, you
will be provided with the opportunity to
migrate to the new system, Ad Click Xpress

You do not have to migrate to ACX; however,
if you do not, you will NOT be able to take
advantage of the opportunity to recover
any expected earnings from Profit Clicking
that you did not receive thus far - keep in
mind, the Profit Clicking web site will
completely close soon.

Profit Clicking Basic System Balances will
be transferred immediately to the ACX member
area for your review, and you will be able
to access the Profit Clicking Member Area
also, so feel free to compare your balances
in each and make sure no details were lost
during the migration.

Note that all Basic System Balances in
Profit Clicking have been credited back to
the wallets - that decision was made to
help members understand the migration

The Profit Clicking Premium System will
be migrated to ACX also, within the next
few days, but only after a ProfitShift
has taken place - read about ProfitShifts
in the PC Member Area.

If you bought pure advertising in Profit
Clicking, all your Traffic Exchange credits
have been transferred to the new ACX
Traffic Exchange; however, those of
affiliates (IBOSs) were not, so advertisers
should be happy about how fast you'll be
getting quality visitors to your web site
you're advertising in our new ACX Traffic

Here are some of the things that are
coming next at ACX:

- Help in multiple languages
- More banners and affiliate web sites
- Gift card system
- Live training system
- New, advanced advertising system

So take full advantage of the new,

Ad Click Xpress Advertising System!

Earn by buying Ad Packages

In ACX, you earn up to 20 cents per day
during the week, for every advertising
package you buy.

And you earn up to 10 cents per day on
the weekends (Saturday and Sunday),
for every advertising package you buy.

Up to two percent (2%) daily earnings on
ad packages purchased, until they reach
a maximum of $15 - that's up to 20 cents
per day per ad package, and you are
allowed to buy up to 25,000 ad packages!

Here are some examples:

Purchase Price Earn Back
$10 $15
$100 $1,50
$1,000 $15,00
$10,000 $15,000
$100,000 $150,000

It's up to you, how much you earn,
and this method of earning is
totally easy - simply view other
member web sites, only a few per day!

Get started today, by logging in at


Just accept the new ACX terms and
conditions and get started today!

Big Commissions for Promoters

Earn Up to $5,000 a Day per Referral
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Perbarui Harian Untuk 18 Juni 2013 
Perbarui Anggota
 Selamat datang semua anggota baru kami!Ada banyak dalam pembaruan ini, sehingga merasa bebasuntuk membacanya lebih dari sekali ...Iklan Klik XpressBerikut nama baru untuk paling suksespeluang bisnis dan situs iklanInternet adalah akan pernah melihat!Dan kami memiliki banyak sejarah untuk membuktikannya!Dapatkan siap untuk pengalaman hebat!Ya, inilah yang Frederick Mann memilikidisediakan bagi kita - solusi yang bagus bagisemua orang yang berada di Laba Mengklik!BERITA LUAR BIASA!Iklan Klik Xpress (ACX)sekarang salah satu yang paling banyak dilihat situs di web!Beberapa minggu yang lalu Frederick Mann menghubungipemilik ACX dan menawarkan perusahaan mereka sebuahkesempatan yang luar biasa untuk menyerap bisnisperusahaan nomor satu dan membuatnya lebih baik.Banyak di dunia bisnis sudah menganggapFrederick sebagai ICON di Bursa Lalu Lintasdunia, yang diadakan di harga tinggi untuk membuatsendiri, dan membantu banyak orang lain untuk menjadi"Internet Milyuner", banyak dari merekadimulai dengan sangat terbatas keuangankemampuan. Tujuan Frederick menyatakan memilikiselalu untuk membantu orang-orang yang tidak bisasukses dalam bisnis berbasis internettanpa jelas, mudah mengikuti sistem.Frederick membuat pengaturan mencengangkanuntuk pemilik ACX untuk mengambil alih LabaMengklik, yang akhirnya menyebabkan inipengumuman yang menarik.Laba Mengklik mengalami cepat sepertiPertumbuhan bahwa manajemen tidak mampuuntuk membangun infrastruktur perusahaancepat atau kokoh cukup untuk membuat PCProgram yang layak. Karena mekanisme PC adalahawalnya berdasarkan "Tidak terbatasBerkelanjutan ", sistem dipatenkan, mereka pergikepada pencipta untuk bimbingan. Frederickmengambil waktu untuk mengevaluasi perusahaan danLaba akhirnya menyarankan Mengklik bahwaanggotanya akan lebih baik dengan menjadidiakuisisi oleh ACX. Pemilik PC setuju dengankonsep, dengan pengertian bahwaACX sebagai pemilik baru akan menghormati PCkewajiban kepada anggota.ACX adalah organisasi yang akan mengambilbesar ini. Kelompok ACX secara finansialstabil, dan tim manajemen sangatberpengalaman, dan beroperasi ACX menggunakanyang "terbatas Berkelanjutan" model!ACX menyetujui usulan tersebut dari PC,bersikeras bahwa Frederick tinggal sebagaikonsultan seluruh transisidan restrukturisasi dari beberapakewajiban PC kepada anggota.ACX ingin secara resmi memberikan besarbesar "SELAMAT DATANG" kepada semua anggota PC. Selamat datangkapal! Kami sangat senang untuk memiliki Anda dipapan AD KLIK XPRESS dan menunggu Andapartisipasi dan ide-ide baru. Pengelolaantelah menciptakan berbagai program baru untukmengeksplorasi dan membiasakan Anda denganlingkungan baru. Kami ingin Anda merasadi rumah langsung.Berikut adalah rincian lebih lanjut:Untuk masa depan, Laba Mengklik akanhanya digunakan sebagai situs web rujukan;misalnya, tidak akan lagi menerimapembayaran dana untuk iklansistem, membayar komisi penjualan harian,atau mengizinkan paket iklan atau kartu hadiah untukdibeli - Laba Mengklik akanakhirnya dihentikan sepenuhnya.Semua iklan yang Anda lakukan untuk LabaMengklik akan otomatis diarahkanuntuk ACX Afiliasi Web Site baru, terletakdi member area baru di bawah "Make MoneyBerbagi. "Ketika Anda login ke Profit Mengklik, Andaakan diberikan kesempatan untukbermigrasi ke sistem baru, Iklan Klik Xpress(ACX).Anda tidak harus bermigrasi ke ACX, namun,jika Anda tidak, Anda tidak akan dapat mengambilkeuntungan dari kesempatan untuk memulihkansetiap pendapatan yang diharapkan dari Laba Mengklikbahwa Anda tidak menerima sejauh ini - tetappikiran, situs web Laba Mengklik akanbenar-benar menutup segera.Laba Mengklik Dasar Saldo Sistem akansegera dipindahkan ke anggota ACXdaerah untuk ulasan Anda, dan Anda akan dapatuntuk mengakses Laba Mengklik Member Areajuga, sehingga merasa bebas untuk membandingkan saldo Andadi masing-masing dan pastikan tidak ada rincian yang hilangselama migrasi.Perhatikan bahwa semua Sistem Dasar Saldo dalamLaba Mengklik telah dikreditkan kembali kedompet - keputusan yang dibuat untukmembantu anggota memahami migrasilebih baik.Laba Mengklik Sistem Premium akanakan bermigrasi ke ACX juga, dalam berikutnyabeberapa hari, tetapi hanya setelah ProfitShift sebuahtelah terjadi - membaca tentang ProfitShiftsdi Member Area PC.Jika Anda membeli iklan murni LabaMengklik, semua kredit Traffic Exchange Andatelah ditransfer ke ACX baruTraffic Exchange, namun, orang-orang dariafiliasi (iBOSS) tidak, sehingga pengiklanharus bahagia tentang seberapa cepat Anda akanmendapatkan pengunjung berkualitas ke situs web AndaAnda beriklan di Lalu Lintas ACX baru kamiExchange.Berikut adalah beberapa hal yangdatang berikutnya di ACX:- Bantuan dalam beberapa bahasa- Lebih spanduk dan situs web afiliasi- Sistem kartu hadiah- Sistem pelatihan Hidup- Baru, sistem periklanan canggihSehingga mengambil keuntungan penuh dari baru,Iklan Klik Xpress Iklan Sistem!Dapatkan dengan membeli Paket IklanDi ACX, Anda mendapatkan sampai 20 sen per hariselama seminggu, untuk setiap iklanpaket yang Anda beli.Dan Anda mendapatkan sampai 10 sen per hariakhir pekan (Sabtu dan Minggu),untuk setiap paket iklan yang Anda beli.Sampai dua persen (2%) penghasilan harian padapaket iklan yang dibeli, sampai mereka mencapaimaksimal sebesar $ 15 - itu hingga 20 senper hari per ad paket, dan Andadiizinkan untuk membeli hingga 25.000 paket iklan!Berikut adalah beberapa contoh:Pembelian Harga Dapatkan Kembali$ 10 $ 15$ 100 $ 1,50$ 1,000 $ 15,00$ 10.000 $ 15.000$ 100.000 $ 150.000Terserah Anda, berapa banyak yang Anda peroleh,dan metode produktifbenar-benar mudah - cukup lihat lainnyasitus web anggota, hanya beberapa per hari!Mulailah hari ini, dengan masuk dihttp://www.profitclicking.com/loginHanya menerima persyaratan ACX baru dankondisi dan memulai hari ini!Komisi besar bagi PromotorDapatkan Hingga $ 5,000 per hari per Referraldan sampai $ 2500 per Hari tingkat keduarujukan, hanya dengan mempromosikan web Andasitus kepada orang lain, dan kami mengajarkan carauntuk melakukannya!Itu tanpa membeli paket iklan apapun!Ya, Anda harus melakukan sesuatu yang Andamungkin tidak pernah dilakukan sebelumnya, dengan mengatakanorang lain tentang bisnis inikesempatan, tapi itu cukup mudah setelahAnda melihat bagaimana kita mengajarkannya.Mulai belajar bagaimana mempromosikan secara online,hari ini - itu adalah cara yang bagus untuk mengamankan Andamasa depan keuangan!Dan bersiap-siap untuk semua perangkat tambahandengan pengalaman pengguna di Ad Klik Xpress:Oke, kami siap untuk melayani Anda!http://www.profitclicking.com/loginInformasi Sangat Penting MengikutiIklan Klik Xpress Drive Test akanmenguntungkan semua Anggota yang membuat merekaKlik account Xpress iklan untukpertama kalinya. Dengan melihat bahwa "$ 10 gratistest drive "di mereka Iklan Klik Xpressrekening, mereka dapat langsung membelia Klik Paket Xpress Ad Ad danmulai mendapatkan!Ini sangat mudah untuk membuat uang denganIklan Klik Xpress:Bekerja untuk kekayaan dan kesuksesan kami,Iklan Klik Xpress Tim Sukses AndaP.S. Kami menantang Anda untuk menemukanprogram yang lebih mudah untuk membuat uang dengandari Iklan Klik Xpress.P.P.S. Iklan Klik Xpress cenderungmenjadi "program semua orang ditahu bergabung. "Jika Anda bergabung segera,Anda dapat memberitahu teman-teman dan kenalantentang hal itu - sebelum mereka bergabung di bawahorang lain.